Hubli (Karnataka) [India], Oct 4 (ANI): After Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai said that talks are ongoing for the implementation of NRC in the state, Congress leader Rajat Ullagaddimath urged him to first concentrate on the flood-affected areas."NRC is a national issue. Basavaraj Bommai, the Home Minister of Karnataka, should first concentrate on the flood-affected areas of the state and see that he releases the fund from the Centre to solve this major issue," Ullagaddimath told ANI here.He said that Mahatma Gandhi and all the freedom fighters had earlier fought for communal harmony in the country."Today, the one who are in power, both at Centre and in the state are determined to create an imbalance in the harmony of this country to serve their political purposes," Ullagaddimath said."So, I would request Basavaraj Bommai and urge him to immediately take all the actions and speak with Amit Shah or Prime Minister Narendra Modi and release the fund for the flood-affected areas of this state," he added.Earlier while speaking to ANI, Bommai said, "Talks are ongoing for the implementation of NRC in the state. Karnataka is one of the states where a lot of people from across the border are coming and settling down because of which there are lots of issues. We are collecting all the information. We will discuss with the Union Home Minister and then go ahead." (ANI)

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