FIFA Joke Controversy: Trevor Noah Criticises French Ambassador

South African comedian Trevor Noah, in his 'The Daily Show', criticised the French government after facing a backlash for his joke wherein he said Africa won the recently-concluded FIFA World Cup instead of France.

FIFA Joke Controversy: Trevor Noah Criticises French Ambassador

Washington DC, [USA] July 20 (ANI): South African comedian Trevor Noah, in his 'The Daily Show', criticised the French government after facing a backlash for his joke wherein he said Africa won the recently-concluded FIFA World Cup instead of France.

According to Fox News, he happened to criticise a letter he had received from the ambassador of France in regard to the FIFA joke.

"I got into a little bit of trouble with the French government," he said of the letter, where the comedian received a scolding in the form of words.

"France won the World Cup. I had this joke where I said Africa won the World Cup. And I was shocked at how angry a lot of French people got," he added.

He did not stop there and further went on to say, "Africa won the World Cup, Africa won the World Cup, Africa won the World Cup. look at those guys. You don't get that tan by hanging out in the south of France."

France acquired a 4-2 victory over new-comer Croatia in Moscow.

Noah, who got a hold of the criticism, explained that "black people all over the world were celebrating the African-ness of the French players.. not in a negative way."

In order to substantiate his explanation, he added that the players are African as much as they are French.

"I love those players and I love how African they are and how French they are. I don't take their French-ness away, but I don't think you need to take their African-ness away," he said.

Towards the end of his clip, he said that he appreciated America for embracing various nationalities, as people can celebrate whatever they feel like.

"America is not a perfect country, but what I love about this place is that people can still celebrate their identity in their American-ness. You can go to a St. Patrick's Day parade in America celebrating that you are Irish," he added. (ANI)

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