New Delhi [India], May 31 (ANI): Alexandre Ziegler, the ambassador of France to India, on Thursday congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi shortly after the oath-taking ceremony here and said that his country is looking forward to work closely with India."Heartfelt congratulations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the new cabinet ministers on your oath-taking ceremony!" Ziegler tweeted."France looks forward to working closely with India in the coming years to promote a safer, cleaner and more prosperous world for future generations," the ambassador added.Narendra Modi, who got a massive mandate in the elections, on Thursday took oath as Prime Minister again for a second consecutive term inducting confidant and BJP President Amit Shah into his Cabinet along with the surprise inclusion of former Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar, while retaining most of his earlier Cabinet ministers and dropping seniors like Suresh Prabhu, Maneka Gandhi and Radha Mohan Singh.Riding high on the planks of muscular nationalism and anti-Congressism, BJP, which had won 282 seats in 2014, improved its tally by notching up 303 seats. Along with its NDA allies, the number swelled to 353 in the 543-member Lower House of the Parliament.Meanwhile, the Prime Minister is expected to hold bilateral meetings on Friday morning with leaders of five countries. (ANI)

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