Khammam (Telangana) [India], Mar 25 (ANI): A doctor has allegedly manhandled by a Telangana cop while she was going to the hospital for an emergency case amid curfew in the state."I was called for an emergency so I had to report to the duty. On my way, I was stopped by the police officers at night. I showed my ID but he ceased my ID. He also took my phone. He manhandled me. I had explained that I am a doctor and it is time to attending duties. But Khammam Cop Ganesh dragged me to the police station. There were no women police officials," Dr Himabindhu told ANI."I gave a complaint in the morning in two town police station with the help of other doctors. The police officer has given a written apology," she said.Another doctor from the same district said that they are serving 24 hours at the coronavirus ward for the past 15 days. He alleged that the same cop had stopped him at a checkpoint."When I informed him about an emergency at the hospital as a doctor I am going there. He replied in an abusive manner using unparliamentary language and came close to slap. We as a doctor condemn this act and demand an immediate apology," he said.Earlier, the Telangana government has announced a complete lockdown in the state till March 31 in view of the virus outbreak.In his address to the nation on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire country effective from midnight to deal with the spread of coronavirus, saying that "social distancing" is the only option to deal with the disease, which spreads rapidly.According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India has reported about 536 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. Eleven people have died so far due to the deadly virus. (ANI)

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