Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Jan 31 (ANI): The man, who held hostage more than 15 children at a house in Farrukhabad, has been killed and all of them have been safely evacuated, Uttar Pradesh Additional Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary Home, Awanish Kumar Awasthi said."The person who was holding the children as hostages has been killed in an operation and all children have been safely evacuated," Awasthi told ANI here."Chief Minister (Yogi Adityanath) has announced an award of Rs 10 lakhs for the Uttar Pradesh Police and its team that successfully carried out the operation. All personnel who took part in operation will be given a certificate of appreciation," Awasthi said.Earlier, Farrukhabad Police had said that more than 15 children were held hostage at a house. On Thursday evening, Adityanath convened a high-level meeting over the incident.Uttar Pradesh ADG Law and Order PV Ramashastry had said that the accused had been sentenced to life imprisonment in a murder case and he was out on a bail."He had called the children on the pretext of a birthday party and held them hostage. He opened fire on villagers. DM, SSP, and Police forces are present near his house. Quick Response Team (QRT) and Special Operation Group (SOG) team are there. Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) is on its way. It is being said that around 20 children are inside," he had said. (ANI)
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