Sirsa (Haryana) [India], Mar 9 (ANI): BJP national president JP Nadda on Sunday said that the farmers, poor people, and the exploited sections have been brought into the mainstream. "Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Centre and Chief Minister Manohar Lal in the state, the farmers, poor, deprived and exploited sections have also been brought into the mainstream," Nadda said while addressing a rally here.He said that Pragati rally is an indicator that the BJP has brought progress and development to the people of Haryana."Through these rallies, the people are being informed about the various projects being undertaken and completed by the Government which shows that the Government has worked for the welfare of all," Nadda said."Farmers have been linked with portals and several schemes have been implemented to increase the production of crops and giving remunerative prices of produce," he added.Nadda also lauded the "ambitious schemes and welfare policies" being run by the Haryana government and said that Beti Bachao - Beti Padhao campaign has made "great progress" in the state."The sex ratio of Haryana has increased from 830 to 923 due to the reforms which were implemented with the efforts of the government," the BJP president said.Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who was also present at the event, inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of various development schemes worth more than Rs 50 crore and approved projects worth Rs 215 crore for the development of Rania assembly constituency. (ANI)

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