Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Feb 5 (ANI): Nine members of a gang were arrested for printing and circulating fake Indian currency notes worth Rs 9.27 lakh, police said on Tuesday.Police have seized the fake currency notes from their possession.Commissioner of Police (CP), Hyderabad City, Anjani Kumar said, "The sleuths of Commissioners Task Force, North Zone team received credible information that some persons were circulating counterfeit currency at Jagdish Market, Abids, in Hyderabad."The team immediately laid a trap and caught three suspect persons while circulating counterfeit currency notes of Rs 200 and Rs 100 denomination.On further investigation, they apprehended the main gang which was printing and circulating the counterfeit currency notes from Sanga Reddy town, Kumar said. He added that the police nabbed nine accused -- Ishaq Bin Saleh, Gowtham, Mohd Sohail, Ghousiuddin, Abrar Khan, Syed Khashif and three juveniles -- in the case and seized Rs 9,27,000 counterfeit currency, Rs 10,500 in original cash and six mobile phones from them."The prime accused persons have used minor boys for circulating the fake currency notes. The accused persons along with seized material have been handed over to SHO, Abids road police station for further investigation," Kumar further stated. (ANI)

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