Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], Nov 6 (ANI): Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot urged that the custom of 'ghoonghat' must be eradicated as the time has 'changed'.Gehlot on Tuesday attended the 20th-anniversary function of Ekal Nari Shakti Sangathan and inaugurated 'Bahina Dooj' programme.Taking to Twitter, Gehlot shared the picture of the event and expressed his displeasure at the practice of covering women's faces with a veil (ghoonghat)."Society does not have the right to confine a woman to ghoonghat. When a woman is called Durga, she should also be allowed to contribute to the creation of the country. Now the times have changed, women have to move forward courageously. The government will always stand by you," Gehlot tweeted in Hindi."Also released a book, 'Badlav ki Misal - Ekal Mahilayen, about how single women are bringing a positive change in the society," he wrote in another tweet. (ANI)
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