Veteran actor Zeenat Aman has asked Janhvi Kapoor to give her a 'call' and said that they both can learn something from one another. On Sunday, Janhvi shared a video of herself in attire inspired by Zeenat Aman's 'Laila Main Laila' from the 1980 film Qurbani. Like the veteran actor, Kapoor opted for a white dress with a fur stole. While sharing the video, she wrote in the caption, "Call me Gen Z-eenat. #MadeToBeIconic" After Recreating Poo, Shantipriya, Janhvi Kapoor Channels Her Inner Zeenat Aman With a Dash of Oomph; Jackie Shroff Reacts! (Watch Video).
Check Out Janhvi Kapoor's Post:
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Jackie Shroff commented on her post, "@thezeenataman, Time to make the come back! Let's show these kids how it's done!" After her post, Zeenat tagged her and wrote in the caption along with her picture, "Some looks never go out of style, and are reinvented by every passing generation. @janhvikapoor, you had me swooning with your gorgeous recreation of one of my most memorable and beloved outfits." Zeenat Aman Reveals She's Bedridden With 'Horrible Flu' For Past 10 Days But Will Soon 'Dive' Into Work (View Post).
Zeenat Aman Lauds Janhvi:
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On the work front, the veteran actress has given several hits such as Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Qurbaani, Dhund, Don, Manoranjan and Yaadon Ki Baarat, was known for doing unconventional roles in her era when many actresses are reluctant to take up those characters.