Actor Vikrant Massey's wife Sheetal Massey is currently enjoying her pregnancy, and sometimes has mood swings. On Friday, Vikrant dropped a funny picture on Instagram with his wife. He wrote in the caption, "Mera yellow waala Angry Bird." In the pictures, Vikrant can be seen teasing his wife by making a funny face while Sheetal made a angry face. Sheetal wore a white embroided dress while Vikrant can be seen in a black sweater. 12th Fail: Vikrant Massey-Starrer Bags Top Spot Among 250 Films With a Stellar 9.2 IMDb Rating.

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Earlier, Vikrant made a big announcement that he and his wife Sheetal are expecting their first child. Taking to Instagram, Vikrant Massey dropped a creative post to share this exciting news. The actor shared a beautiful wedding picture along with a creative photo depicting a new member coming soon. With 2 safety pins, resembling the couple, with one of them bloated and showing a smaller safety pin inside it alongside it read, "We are expecting! Baby coming 2024." Sharing the picture, he wrote, "New beginnings."

The couple, who had dated each other for a long time, got married first in a civil ceremony on February 14, 2022 and later, tied the knot in a traditional ceremony in Himachal Pradesh on February 18, 2022. The duo, who features together in the first season of the web series Broken but Beautiful, got engaged in a low-key Roka ceremony in 2019. However, their marriage was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vidhu Vinod Chopra Spills the Beans on 12th Fail, Says ‘Wanted To Make a Story of Hope, Zeal and Willingness To Never Quit’.

Vikrant is basking in the success of his recently released movie 12th Fail,

His success across numerous platforms, including TV, OTT series, and films has given him a broad demographic reach. Vikrant will be seen in the second installment of Hassen Dilruba, titled Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba.