Applause Entertainment and Ellipsis Entertainment have collaborated to bring together an ensemble cast including Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D' Cruz, and Indian-American sensation Sendhil Ramamurthy for an upcoming, yet untitled romantic comedy-drama, to be directed by leading ad film-maker, Shirsha Guha Thakurta. Vidya shared the news on her Instagram handle and wrote, "Stoked about my next - an untitled charming drama-comedy about modern relationships, which promises to be either your story or the story of your friend. It will make you laugh and cry in equal measure and I'm enjoying playing Kavya to the hilt. Delighted to be directed by @shirshagt and to have such an amazing posse of co-actors - @pratikgandhiofficial @ileana_official and @sendhil_rama." Jalsa: Vidya Balan, Shefali Shah’s Film Goes on Floors; To Release in 2022 (Watch Video).
She added, "It's my first with @applausesocial (@sameern ) and my next with my Tumhari Sulu producers @ellipsisentertainment (@tanuj.garg , @atulkasbekar , @swatisiyer .) Can't wait for you'll to watch it next year! And wait for an announcement on the title soon." The film is touted as a progressive, uninhibited take on modern relationships. Talking more about the project, Sameer Nair, CEO, Applause Entertainment, said, "The film is a sparkling, sophisticated romance that subverts all notions of love and fidelity in modern times. While alchemy best describes the coming together of this incredible cast, we're thrilled to collaborate with Shirsha Guha Thakurta, who has an extraordinarily perceptive understanding of human relationships. We're also excited to partner with Ellipsis once again, to bring this witty, charming and passionate story to life." Fashion Faceoff: Shilpa Shetty or Vidya Balan, Whose Colourful Torani Outfit Will You Wear?
Producers Tanuj Garg, Atul Kasbekar, and Swati Iyer, partners at Ellipsis Entertainment stated, "The subject of love remains intriguing and debated. We were keen to tackle relationship fatigue by coming up with something that is dynamic, nuanced, relatable, uplifting and humorous, all in the same breath. This is probably the story of your life or definitely one that you've seen one or more of your friends go through. With a formidable cast, script and director, Applause and Ellipsis are truly excited about this multi-starrer."
Director Shirsha Guha Thakurta said, "When I first heard this story, I was instantly attracted to its universe- honest, funny and so today. The actors have been a dream to work with. Their generosity is something I will always cherish. My producers (Applause and Ellipsis) have been extremely supportive and stood by me like a rock. Yes, I'm nervous, but this journey so far has been truly special." The film is currently being filmed in locations across Mumbai and Ooty.
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