Makers of the upcoming family drama film The Great Indian Family starring Vicky Kaushal on Tuesday unveiled the trailer of the film. Taking to Instagram, Yash Raj Films shared the trailer video and captioned it, “#TheGreatIndianFamily aapki family se milne aa rahi hai 22nd September ko! Watch the trailer NOW (Link in bio) Milte hain aapke nazdeeki cinemagharon mein!” The trailer opens with the introduction of Balrampur and then Vicky Kaushal introduces himself as Bhajan Kumar, also known as Ved Vyas Tripathi, a well-known person in the community. Bhajan claims that because he comes from a great Indian family of priests, he is also knowledgeable about rites, rituals, and ceremonies. The sole problem Ved Vyas Tripathi faces as the king of bhajans in Balrampur is that while everyone else in his age group is enjoying their life, he is constrained to bestowing blessings. However, a letter that Bhajan's family receives revealing previously unrevealed details about his birth irrevocably changes his life and how people see him. The Great Indian Family: Vicky Kaushal Unveils New Poster for His Film, Trailer To Be Released on This Date (View Pic).

Helmed by director Vijay Krishna Acharya the film stars Vicky Kaushal and Manushi Chillar in the lead roles and is all set to hit the theatres on September 22. The film is set in the heartland of India and will revolve around the madness that ensues within Vicky’s family due to some sudden developments that are beyond anyone’s control! Vicky plays the role of a local singing star by the name of Bhajan Kumar in the film. Recently the makers unveiled the first track of the film "Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja" which received decent responses from the fans. Sung by Nakash Aziz, the song is penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya and composed by Pritam. Director Vijay Krishna Acharya has previously helmed films like Tashan, Dhoom 3 and Thugs of Hindostan. The Great Indian Family Song 'Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja': Vicky Kaushal Gets Into The Skin of Bhajan Kumar (Watch Video).

Watch The Great Indian Family Trailer:

Meanwhile, Vicky was recently seen in the family entertainer film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke opposite Sara Ali Khan. Helmed by Laxman Utekar the film received a lot of appreciation from the audience and was declared a box-office hit. He will also be seen in director Meghna Gulzar’s next Sam Bahadur which showcases story of India's war hero and first Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw and in director Anand Tiwari’s upcoming untitled film opposite actor Tripti Dimri and Ammy Virk. The film is all set to hit the theatres on February 23, 2024.