Actor Vicky Kaushal is making fans go gaga with his retro moustache look. On Friday night, he made sure to grab eyeballs with his appearance at an awards event in Mumbai. Decked up in a double-breasted black suit, Vicky looked suave and dapper. The highlight of his look was his sharp moustache - a nod to vintage Bollywood heroes. After attending the event, Vicky took to Instagram and shared pictures flaunting his moustache look. He elevated his look with black aviators. In no time, netizens flooded the comment section with praise.

Rapper Badshah commented, "Paaji playlist share karo yaar." "Oh damnnnn Vicky," a fan wrote. "Stunner," a netizen commented. Vicky Kaushal Calls Himself ‘Fashion Handicapped’ and Reveals How Katrina Kaif Tells Him to ‘Go Change’ (Watch Video).

Meanwhile, on the work front, Vicky will be seen in magnum opus, 'Mahavatar'. In the film, he will essay the legendary warrior sage Chiranjeevi Parashurama.

The film, which draws inspiration from Indian mythology, is slated for release in cinemas on Christmas 2026. The announcement of Mahavatar comes on the heels of Vicky Kaushal's success in films like Zara Hatke Zara Bachke and his upcoming project Chhaava, based on the life of Maratha King Sambhaji Maharaj. The first look for Mahavatar was released on November 13, with a striking poster that showcases Vicky Kaushal in character. In his post, Kaushal wrote, "Dinesh Vijan brings to life the story of the eternal warrior of dharma! Vicky Kaushal stars as Chiranjeevi Parashurama in #Mahavatar, directed by Amar Kaushik. Coming to cinemas - Christmas 2026!"The film's story revolves around the figure of Parashurama, one of the seven Chiranjeevis or immortal beings in Hindu mythology. Vicky Kaushal Steals the Spotlight at GQ Men of the Year 2024 Event, Confesses Love for Aloo Paratha and More (Watch Video).

Vicky Kaushal Brings Back Vintage Bollywood Swag in Style!


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Known for his wisdom, strength, and warrior spirit, Parashurama is revered as both a sage and a fierce protector of dharma (justice).In various mythological texts, including the 'Mahabharata' and 'Ramayana', Parashurama is depicted as an avatar of Lord Vishnu, entrusted with the task of ridding the earth of corrupt rulers and upholding righteousness. Produced by Maddock Films, the script of the movie is written by Niren Bhatt.