Veteran actor Sulochana Latkar, known for her work in Hindi and Marathi films, passed away on Sunday in Maharashtra. She was 94. She has been part of several movies such as Bandini, Dil Deke Dekho and Nagin. It is being reported that her funeral will take place on June 5. She was well known for her performances in Marathi films such as Sasurvas, Vahinichya Bangdya, Meeth Bhakar, Sangtye Aika and Dhakti Jau. Sulochana Latkar Dies at 94; Veteran Actress Was Known for Her Roles in Devar, Kati Patang Among Others.
Her other notable works include Ab Dilli Dur Nahin, Sujata, Aaye Din Bahar Ke, Dil Deke Dekho, Aasha and Majboor, Nai Roshni, Aayi Milan Ki Bela, Gora Aur Kala, Devar, Bandini amongst others. She is remembered for playing mother to many famous Bollywood stars on-screen. Apart from it, she also portrayed different characters was seen working along with big names in the industry including Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Rajesh Khanna, Amitabh Bachchan, Vinod Khanna, Sunil Dutt, Dharmendra, and Jitendra.
Actor Riteish Deshmukh also shared an emotional message on Twitter recalling the seasoned actor. He wrote, "The news of the death of Sulochana Didi is very sad. A heartfelt tribute to this great actress who ruled the hearts of audiences in Marathi and Hindi cinema." Sulochana Latkar Dies at 94; PM Narendra Modi, Madhuri Dixit and More Celebs Mourn the Mother of Bollywood’s Demise.
She will always be remembered for her roles and for portraying a loving mother on-screen.