Actor Tovino Thomas' film 'Identity' will be released in theatres in January 2025. On Wednesday, the makers shared the release update of the film, which also features Vinay Rai. They also unveiled the film's teaser. ‘Identity’ Teaser: Tovino Thomas and Trisha Krishnan Aim To Uncover Murder Mystery Through Face Mapping in Akhil Paul – Anas Khan’s Crime Thriller (Watch Video).

The visually captivating teaser of the film, rich with suspenseful dialogues and scenes, hints at a story centered on investigation.

Watch ‘Identity’ Teaser:

'Identity' marks the first collaboration between Trisha and Tovino. Bollywood actress Mandira Bedi plays another pivotal role, with Aju Varghese, Shammi Thilakan, Arjun Radhakrishnan, and Vishak Nair also featuring in key roles.

Directed by Akhil Paul and Anas Khan, who previously collaborated with Tovino on Forensic, this film is produced under the banners of Ragam Movies by Raju Malliath and Confident Group by Dr. Roy C.J. ‘Identity’: Tovino Thomas, Trisha Krishnan and Vinay Rai Unite for a Gripping Crime Thriller – Check First Look Poster!.

Identity was initially announced on November 25, 2022. Cinematographer Akhil George, editor Chaman Chakko and composer Jakes Bejoy are part of the technical team.