Salman Khan is all set to light up the silver screen with his latest release Tiger 3 this Diwali. Helmed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 is the fifth film in the YRF Spy Universe after Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger Zinda Hai, War and Pathaan. After revealing that Salman has a 10-minute long entry scene in the film, Maneesh Sharma opened up about the weaponry used by the actors. Tiger 3 Movie: Review, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Release Date – All You Need to Know About Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi's Spy Thriller!.
"When we were making this film we had one thing in mind - scale. We have used so many tanks, choppers guns ballistic missile bazookas lacs of bullets and more in a single action sequence. While enjoying this bombastic Tiger moment we've also striven to use weaponry used by elite armies of the world. So it's crazy and big and fantastic but it's also very real," he shared. Tiger 3 Trailer: New Promo of Salman Khan–Katrina Kaif Starrer To Drop on October 16 at THIS Time; Check Out ‘Tiger’s’ New Look From Maneesh Sharma’s Film (View Pic).
Watch Tiger 3 Trailer:
"We wanted to make action sequences that people can't stop talking about. When you see what Salman Khan aka Tiger is up against I think you'll understand just how high our ambitions were for the action! I hope sequences like these get audiences riveted to their seats when they see our action spectacle on the big screen on Sunday," Sharma said .Tiger 3 also stars Emraan Hashmi and Katrina Kaif.