Alec Baldwin Resumes ‘Rust’ Filming Amid Safety Measures and Legal Challenges

Alec Baldwin is back filming 'Rust' in Montana. This follows the 2021 on-set tragedy in New Mexico where he accidentally shot the film's cinematographer. The project is restarting with new safety measures in place.

Alec Baldwin (Photo Credit: X)

Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin has resumed filming for Rust in Montana, following a tragic incident in 2021 where he accidentally shot the film's cinematographer while preparing for a scene at a New Mexico ranch. The producers have taken extra precautions to ensure safety on set, banning the use of any functional firearms and hiring two veteran safety officers, according to Variety. One of these officers, Paul Jordan, will testify against Baldwin in his upcoming manslaughter trial in Santa Fe. Jordan has claimed that Baldwin ignored advice not to ride a horse at full gallop. "There was a little bit of yelling at times, insisting he could do certain things that everyone else felt he couldn't do," Jordan said in a pre-trial interview. Alec Baldwin Smacks Phone From Anti-Israel Protester's Hand Amid 'Free Palestine' Demand In New York Coffee Shop (Watch Video).

Prosecutors aim to use Jordan's testimony to show a pattern of recklessness, arguing that the accidental shooting was one of several instances of Baldwin's carelessness on set. They also plan to present videos of Baldwin cursing and rushing the crew in New Mexico. However, Jordan was not present during the New Mexico incident, and Baldwin's defense argues that his testimony about events in Montana is irrelevant. "Nothing that took place in Montana, more than a year after the accident occurred, is relevant to any issue in this case," the defense stated in a motion to exclude his testimony. 'Rust' Armorer Guilty in Fatal Shooting by Alec Baldwin.

Baldwin has mentioned he has a bad hip, making it difficult to mount a horse. Jordan noted in his interview that Baldwin needed three or four people to help him get on and off the horse, but once mounted, he wanted to ride quickly over uneven terrain.

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