Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan is all set to make her debut with the movie, The Archies by Zoya Akhtar. Apart from her, Boney Kapoor's daughter Khushi Kapoor, and Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda will also make their acting debut with the film. The gang of all the actors along with the other cast including Aditi Dot, Yuvraj Menda, Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina were spotted at the Mumbai airport as they were heading to Brazil for Netflix Tudum 2023 event. The Archies: Suhana Khan and Khushi Kapoor Uncover a New Poster (View Pic).
The entire cast was seen wearing black jackets with white and yellow stripes on the sleeves and around the collar with Archies written on the back. They all looked excited about the event and smiled while posing for the camera. Khushi was spotted wearing a black crop top and loose beige pants underneath the jacket, while Suhana was seen sporting a black top and leggings. Recently, Netflix India shared the poster of The Archies.
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan also shared the poster and tweeted, "I remember when I was young ( millions of years ago ) would book my Archie's Digest in advance to rent. Nostalgia. I hope Big Moose is also in the film! All the best to the whole cast and love." Taking to Instagram, Suhana wrote in the caption while sharing the poster, "Meet the @archiesnetflix gang! Coming soon, only on @netflix_in!" The Archies: Suhana Khan and Khushi Kapoor's Highly Anticipated Debutant To Release On November 24 On Netflix!.
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The youngsters of Riverdale will be introduced to the viewers in India in the coming-of-age tale The Archies. The convention event will be held from June 16 to 18 in Sao Paulo. Featuring over 2000 square meters of activities, games, live music, and more, the convention will also give attendees the chance to see their favourite stars up close. The live stream will be broadcast around the world on June 17.