Makers of the upcoming drama film The Archies on Sunday unveiled the new track "Dhishoom Dhishoom". Taking to Instagram, SRK's daughter Suhana Khan shared the song which she captioned, "Get your red lips on Dhishoom Dhishoom out now."  Composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy, vocals by Dot and Kelly Dlima, and penned by Javed Akhtar, the track features Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, and Khushi Kapoor along with the The Archies cast. The Archies Trailer Review: Netizens Are Mighty Impressed With Agastya Nanda, Suhana Khan and Khushi Kapoor's Lives at Riverdale!

Listen To The Song Here:

In the song Suhana, and Khushi could be seen showcasing their dancing prowess on skates, adorned in matching outfits. Soon after Suhana shared the song, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. Helmed by Zoya Akhtar, the films marks the acting debut of Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda, Shah Ruk Khan's daughter Suhana Khan and producer Boney Kapoor's Khushi Kapoor.

The Archies, a coming-of-age musical, follows the lives of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel and Dilton who will take audiences to the fictional hilly town of Riverdale. The film explores friendship, freedom love, heartbreak and rebellion. The trailer unfolds a musical narrative led by seven charming characters from the beloved Archie comics, steering through the retro alleys of love, friendship, and youthful aspirations. The trailer signs off with a profound message - 'You are never too young to change the world'. The film is all set to stream on the OTT platform Netflix from December 7.