Superstar Thalapathy Vijay's next feature film with writer-director Lokesh Kanagaraj has been titled Leo. The upcoming project marks a reunion between Vijay and Kanagaraj after the 2021 blockbuster Master. Actor Trisha Krishnan also stars in the film. She has previously worked with Vijay in Tamil hits -- Ghilli, Kuruvi, Thirupaachi and Aathi. Kanagaraj shared the title of the movie on Twitter. "#LEO #BLOODYSWEET," he captioned the title reveal promo. Leo Title Reveal Promo: Thalapathy Vijay-Lokesh Kanagaraj's Film Gets a Name and Release Date; Teaser Hints It's Part of Lokesh Cinematic Universe.

Leo will also act as Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt debut in Tamil cinema. Actors Arjun Sarja, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand, Mysskin and Gautham Vasudev Menon round out the cast. Anirudh Ravichander, who has composed music for Vijay's blockbuster hits Kaththi, Master and Beast, will create the soundtrack for Leo as well. LEO vs Vikram: 7 Reasons Why Title Reveal Promo of Thalapathy Vijay-Starrer Reminds Us of Kamal Haasan’s Film and Hints It’s All Lokesh Cinematic Universe!

The film started shooting earlier this month. It is produced by S S Lalit Kumar and co-produced by Jagadish Palanisamy. The plot details of the movie have been kept under wraps. However, there are speculations that the movie is part of Kanagaraj's 'Lokesh Cinematic Universe', which also includes Karthi-led Kaithi and Vikram, headlined by cinema veteran Kamal Haasan.