Channeling her Sunday mood, Bollywood actor Tara Sutaria treated fans on social media to an adorable childhood picture of herself. Taking to her Instagram story, Tara dug out an adorable picture of herself from the time she was just a 2-year-old baby girl. In the snap, little Tara could be seen a little annoyed, making it a perfect reason for the actor to share it for showcasing her Sunday mood. OTT Releases Of The Week: Maya And The Three On Netflix, Rathnan Prapancha On Amazon Prime Video And More.
"Current mood- 2-year-old me," wrote the 'Marjaavaan' actor alongside the picture. Speaking of her work front, the actor recently wrapped the London shoot schedule for 'Heropanti 2'that also features her 'Student Of The Year 2' co-star Tiger Shroff in the lead role. She also has 'Ek Villain Returns' and 'Tadap' in the pipeline. Pranitha Subhash Birthday: Acing the Art of Subtlety, One Outfit at a Time (View Pics).
Tara Sutaria Shares Her Adorable Childhood Pic
While 'Tadap' features Tara opposite veteran actor Suniel Shetty's son Ahan Shetty; Mohit Suri directorial 'Ek Villain Returns' stars her alongside actors Disha Patani, Arjun Kapoor, and John Abraham in lead roles.
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