Rumoured couple Tamannaah Bhatia and Vijay Varma were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Wednesday. The lovebirds did not arrive at the airport together but were seen posing and having fun chats in videos caught by Mumbai-based paparazzi. Both were seen leaving Mumbai for the New Year's Eve celebrations. In the video, Tamannaah wore a black coloured sweatshirt with matching pants. Vijay Varma wore grey coloured jogger pants and a white tee that he teamed up with a black jacket. Tamannaah Bhatia and Vijay Varma Are Bollywood’s Barbie and Ken and This Interaction Proves Why!.
Tamannaah was also seen cutting a cake with a fan as she recently celebrated her birthday which was on 21st December. Notably, Tamannaah and Vijay's relationship rumours started after an alleged kissing video of theirs from New Year 2023 had gone viral on the internet. The couple was also seen romancing in Lust Stories 2. After months of speculations about the actors dating each other, Tamannaah confirmed her relationship with Vijay in an interview in June this year. Vijay Varma Says He’s ‘Madly in Love’ With Tamannaah Bhatia!.
Tamannah and Vijay Spotted At The Airport:
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Ever since they often comment on each other's social media posts and make appearances in public together. Meanwhile, on the acting front, Vijay will be seen in Homi Adajania's Murder Mubarak and the much-awaited Mirzapur 3. On the other hand, Tamannaah will be seen in Nikkhil Advani's next directorial venture Vedaa alongside John Abraham, Sharvari Wagh and Abhishek Banerjee.