Jheel Mehta, best known for her role as Sonu in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, recently got engaged to boyfriend Aditya. Taking to Instagram, Jheel dropped an adorable video in which she can be seen getting a dreamy proposal from Aditya. Jheel entered the venue blindfolded with the help of her friends. Jheel got emotional seeing Aditya dancing before popping the big question. "Koi mil gaya, mera dil gaya #LoveAJkal," she captioned the post. Jheel Mehta, Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah Actress, Gets Engaged in Filmy Style to Long-Time Beau (Watch Video).
The particular video has garnered loads of likes and comments. Jheel's TMKOC co-star Bhavya Gandhi, who played the role of Tappu in the show, commented on Jheel's post with a heart emoticon. "Congratulations seeing you as Sonu on Tmkoc and now this.. time has past pretty quickly it seems, all the best to both of you," a social media user commented. "OMG CONGRATULATIONSS!!!!!!!!!," another social media user wrote.
Aditya Proposing Jheel Mehta
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Jheel was the first actress to play the role of Sonu in the popular TV show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. She is currently working as a make-up artist.
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