Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan's daughter Suhana Khan has been driving all her fans and followers crazy with her recent pictures, which were shared by designer Manish Malhotra on Monday morning. Taking to his Instagram handle, Manish shared images of Suhana in which she looked elegant in a white chikankari lehenga paired with a backless choli. She looked flawless in dewy makeup, a small bindi and a puff ponytail. Besties Suhana Khan And Ananya Panday Get Photographed Outside A Plush Restaurant (View Pics).

Soon after sharing the pictures, fans and members of the film industry showered love on Suhana in the comments section. "Gorgeous," Saif Ali Khan's sister Saba Pataudi commented. "Beautiful," actor Manisha Koirala wrote. Later, Suhana's mother Gauri also shared the photographs from the shoot on her Instagram handle. She captioned the post as "PURE" with a heart emoticon. Suhana Khan, Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor Give Friendship Goals As They Pose for a Stylish Snap at Farhan Akhtar-Shibani Dandekar’s Post-Wedding Bash!.

Suhana Khan in Manish Malhotra's Chikankari Lehenga


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Suhana, who is 21-year-old, recently completed her studies in New York. Reportedly, she is now focussing on acting and might make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's directorial The Archies.

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