Jesse Armstrong, the creator of HBO's critically-acclaimed series Succession, is developing a movie, set during a financial crisis. According to entertainment news outlet Variety, the movie is based on an original idea and backed by HBO Films. Succession Season 4 Review: Critics Hail the Performances of the Main Cast and Say Jeremy Strong, Brian Cox's HBO Drama Delivers a Satisfying Story.
For the project, Armstrong is re-teaming with Frank Rich, the executive producer of Succession. Both Armstrong and Rich have overall deals at HBO.
Armstrong is still writing the script, which revolves around four friends who meet up during the turmoil of an ongoing international financial crisis. The movie is expected to start production later this year.
The project comes two years after Succession concluded its run on HBO.
The satirical drama, which won 19 Emmys over the course of four seasons, was about the wealthy and dysfunctional Roy family, who control the global media conglomerate Waystar Royco. Succession Season 3 Ending Explained: What the Shocking Finale Means for the Main Characters in Season 4 (SPOILER ALERT).
The show received praise from critics for its sharp writing, dark humour, and compelling performances.