Shah Rukh Khan’s fans are celebrating the release of his film Jawan. They could be seen dancing on dhols, cutting a cake and expressing their excitement outside the Gaiety Galaxy in Mumbai. They were wearing T-shirts with his Jawan printed on them, and it was obvious how much they loved SRK's performance. Director Atlee also visited Gaiety Galaxy theatre to see the reaction of fans to his film. Jawan: From Cutting Cakes To Chanting 'Jai Jawan Jai Shah Rukh Khan', Fans Across The Nation Celebrate Actor's Movie Release (Watch Video).

Helmed by Atlee, Jawan stars SRK alongside Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. As per trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the film has already amassed an impressive Rs 51.17 crore in worldwide advance bookings, and it has managed to surpass the opening day record of Pathaan in India. He tweeted, "BREAKING: #Jawan hits HALF-CENTURY even before release at the WW Box Office Advance Sales Day 1 India - Rs 32.47 cr Overseas - Rs 18.70 cr [USD 2.25 M - Reported Locs] Total WW Gross - ₹ 51.17 cr Also, #ShahRukhKhan BEATS #Pathaan opening day advance booking of ₹32 cr in India." Jawan Review: Netizens Declare Shah Rukh Khan's Film a Blockbuster, Applauding Its Unstoppable Maniac Energy.

Check Out Fans Cake Cutting Video Of Jawan Here:

Check Out Another Video Here:

SRK visited a number of locations for Jawan promotional events. In Chennai, he attended a significant pre-release function. The Jawan trailer was on display at Burj Khalifa during his visit to Dubai. He also offered prayers at the revered shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi in Jammu. Recently, he sought blessings at the Sri Venkateshwara Swamy temple in Tirupati.