Actor Sonam Kapoor on Sunday extended heartfelt birthday wishes to her brother-in-law Anant Ahuja. Taking to Instagram, Sonam shared an adorable picture which she captioned, "Happy Happy Brithday to the best brother in law.. love you @ase_msb I hope Vayu learns from your curiosity, kindness and empathy. Love you." In the photo, Vayu is seen sitting on his uncle's lap. Anant, on the other hand is reading a book to Vayu at what seems to be Sonam and Anand's London home. Almost revealing the face of her son, Sonam left the fans asking for more. Soon after she dropped the picture, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. Anil Kapoor commented, "Happy birthday to our only musical Maestro in the family lots of love and lots of music mate." A user wrote, "Best picture on the internet today." Another user wrote, "Happy birthday vayu's Chachu." Sonam Kapoor Says I Miss Being in Front of the Camera and Can’t Wait To Get Back (View Post).
Couple Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja rang in their son Vayu's first birthday in August this year in Delhi. The new parents in the town chose to celebrate their little one's birthday in a traditional way. A special puja for Vayu was held at Sonam and Anand's residence in Delhi. Sonam and Anand tied the knot on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony. In March 2022, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child together. Meanwhile, on the work front, Sonam was recently seen in the film Blind directed by Shome Makhija and also starring Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey in prominent roles. The film premiered on the OTT platform Jio Cinema and marked Sonam's return to acting after a maternity break. Sonam Kapoor Opens Up on Details About Upcoming Film ‘Blind’ and Returning to Acting.
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