Actor Veer Pahariya, set to make his Bollywood debut in the upcoming war film Sky Force, recently met the family of Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya, the Mahavir Chakra recipient who inspired his character. Veer took to his Instagram account on Monday to share pictures with Devayya's 90-year-old wife, Mrs. Sundari Devayya, and their daughters, Smitha and Preetha, during their meeting in Bengaluru. The actor also expressed his admiration for the family and their inspiring legacy. ‘Sky Force’: Trailer for Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya’s Aerial Actioner To Drop on THIS Date – View Motion Poster.
Along with the post, the actor added a lengthy caption that read, "It is difficult to put into words the emotions I felt today after meeting Mrs. Sundari Devayya, the 90-year-old wife of the legendary Mahavir Chakra recipient, Squadron Leader Ajjamada B. Devayya, and their daughters, Smitha and Preetha, in Bengaluru."
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"For the past 3 and a half years, I have immersed myself in learning about the life and heroism of this extraordinary man while preparing for my role as "Tabby" in Sky Force. I thought I understood his bravery and sacrifice, but today, hearing anecdotes from his family--the people who knew him, loved him, and continue to honor his memory--left me deeply moved and humbled," he added.
Sky Force, set for release on January 24, 2025, just before Republic Day, stars Akshay Kumar as an Air Force officer, who is on a revenge mission following the death of fellow soldiers. The high-stakes thriller is directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur.
Akshay is joined by debutant Veer Pahariya, who plays another IAF officer, and Sara Ali Khan, who portrays Veer's wife. The film will also feature Nimrat Kaur in a pivotal role.
Earlier this month, the much-awaited song "Maaye" from Sky Force was released.
The song showed the heart of the movie--balancing the passion of risking lives for the country with the strong emotional ties of family. It features intense war scenes, including wounded officers and emotional moments from the battlefield. The song also shows Sara Ali Khan as a pregnant woman and Nimrat Kaur in a moving role. ‘Sky Force’: Veer Pahariya Opens Up on Working With Rumoured Ex-GF Sara Ali in Akshay Kumar’s Upcoming Aerial Actioner, Says ‘She Was Very Supportive’ (Watch Video).
At the trailer launch earlier this month, Akshay shared his connection with the uniform, saying, "My father was in the army, so this feeling is inbuilt in me," Akshay explained, adding "When I wear a uniform, it automatically imbues me with strength. I've worn different uniforms before, but this is the first time I am donning the Indian Air Force uniform."