Mumbai, January 25: Sidharth Shukla's family, on Tuesday night, issued a statement requesting everyone to consult with them before using the late actor's name in projects. "We, as a family, come with a request, which we hope everyone will respect. Sidharth has moved on and no longer can he make decisions for himself, but he's still an integral part of our lives and our memories and we are there to protect his wishes. We request everyone who wants to use Sidharth's name and/or face in any project, please reach out to us. Please take a moment to ask us," the statement read. Bigg Boss 15 Grand Finale: Shehnaaz Gill To Give a Special Tribute to Sidharth Shukla on Salman Khan’s Reality Show.

Sidharth's family also urged people to remember him with "love" and "respect." "We knew Sidharth's choices, we knew what he would have wanted and our decisions for him would be keeping all this in mind. And if there were projects that he wasn't happy with, we are sure he wouldn't want them released. Anything that did not release when he was with us, did not have his consent or intent for release. So please let's keep his wishes in mind and let's remember him with love, with respect, with fond memories, the ones he left us with," the statement concluded. Sidharth Shukla Completes 14 Years in Television Industry, Fans Express Their Love and Admiration for the Late Actor on Social Media.

The Statement

Sidharth's close friend and singer Shehnaaz Gill shared the particular statement on her Instagram account. For the unversed, Sidharth passed away on September 2, 2021 after suffering a massive heart attack.

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