On the occasion of actor Shraddha Kapoor's birthday, several B-town celebs took to their social media handles and sent warm wishes to the Aashiqui 2 actor. Actor Sidharth Malhotra shared a picture with his Ek Villain co-star and wrote, "Happy Birthday Shraddha! Have the best year ahead. Big love and hug!." Varun Dhawan shared a video on his Instagram stories and wrote, "@shraddhakapoor keep shining and cat napping." Rakul Preet Singh shared a picture and wrote, "Happy Birthday Gorgeous. May your birthday be sprinkled with love, fun and lots of laughter." Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar: Shraddha Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor’s Rom-Com Run Time Is 2 Hours and 39 Minutes.
Rakul Preet Singh
Tiger Shroff
Sidharth Malhotra
Dia Mirza shared a picture and captioned it, "Happy Birthday Shraddha. Have a wonderful year ahead. All my love and good wishes." Tiger Shroff shared a picture and wrote, "Happy birthday fishy smash it this year like every other year! Wish you the best of health and happiness always." Shraddha's Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar co-star Anubhav Singh Bassi shared a picture and wrote, "Happy birthday jhootiiiii." Shraddha Kapoor Birthday: Fans Trend #HappyBirthdayShraddhaKapoor as They Wish TJMM Actress Ahead of Her Special Day.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha will be next seen romancing actor Ranbir Kapoor in the film Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. Helmed by Luv Ranjan, the film is an upcoming romantic comedy film which is all set to hit the theatres on March 8, 2023. Apart from that, she will also be seen in the film Chaalbaaz in London and in the Naagin trilogy.