Before hitting the big screens with her Bollywood debut Bedhadak, Sanjay Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor marked her ramp debut at the star-studded Lakme Fashion Show. Shanaya turned showstopper for ace designer Manish Malhotra's show, along with 'Gehraiyaan' actor Siddhant Chaturvedi. Shanaya Kapoor Dishes Out Travel Goals As She Poses on a Dirt Bike in Blue Denim Shorts and Oversized Check Shirt (View Pics).
Taking to her Instagram handle, Shanaya posted pictures of herself from the glamorous event on Saturday. She wore a fitted gown with cut-out detailing and sequin-work, sparkling in shades of blue, black and purple. Siddhant flaunted a long coat featuring geometric designs, paired with pants in matching shades of black and purple. Shanaya Kapoor Sets the Temperature Soaring as She Poses Inside a Pool in Aqua Blue Bikini (View Pic).
Shanaya Kapoor's Stunning Ramp Debut
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Friends, fans and members of the film fraternity flooded the post with likes and comments. "Wow Bella hadid," Suhana Khan wrote. "baby girl," Ananya Panday added. Sanjay Kapoor and Manish Malhotra dropped heart emoticons. Meanwhile, Shanaya's upcoming film Bedhadak is presented by Karan Johar and helmed by Shashank Khaitan. The film, which also marks the debut of actors Lakshya and Gurfateh Pirzada, is touted as a love triangle in the rom-com space.
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