After stealing attention with her stint in Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives, Shalini Passi has now made wild card entry in another reality TV show Bigg Boss 18. In a promo shared on the social media platforms of Colors TV, Shalini can be seen entering the Bigg Boss house with a bang. Other contestants especially Vivian Dsena wholeheartedly welcomed Shalini. They all presented her with a bouquet when she entered the house. ‘Bigg Boss 18’ Guest Shalini Passi Shares 5 Key Steps To Stay Fabulous Inside the House (Watch Video).
Shalini was seen dressed in a red mermaid gown, paired with matching pieces of jewellery and flaunting her signature ponytail. Everyone also looked smitten by the beauty of Shalini. In the promo, contestant Rajat Dalal could be seen asking Shalini the secret to her beauty. "Apki sundarta ka raaz kya hain," he asked. The socialite responded, "I try not to take stress." Who Is Robin Passi? Meet ‘Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives’ Star Shalini Passi and Billionaire Businessman Sanjay Passi’s Only Son.
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The current line-up of contestants in the show includes Vivian Dsena, Karanveer Mehra, Avinash Mishra, Shilpa Shirodkar, Rajat Dalal, Eisha Singh, Shutika Arjun, Digvijay Singh Rathee, Edin Rose, Sara Arfeen Khan, Chum Darang, Tajinder Bagga, Yamini Malhotra, and Kashish Kapoor. Now Shalini is also a part of the lineup.
Earlier this year, Delhi-based art connoisseur Shalini became a viral sensation after the success of Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives, which gave the audience a sneak peek into her personal and professional life. With her larger-than-life personality and vivid sartorial sense, she captured the audience's attention like no one else on the show.