Superstar Shah Rukh Khan addressed his fans outside his house Mannat, on Sunday. Several videos and photos of the actor quickly went viral on social media as he arrived to greet his admirers. Fan page Srk universe shared a few of the videos and pictures in which Shah Rukh can be seen waving at the cheering crowd. He donned a blue t-shirt paired with black trousers and completed his look with black shades. Shah Rukh Khan Greets Fans With His Signature Pose at Mannat, Jawan Actor Shows Love by Blowing Kisses to Crowd! (Watch Video).
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Meanwhile, SRK’s Jawan has taken the box office by storm. It has become the fastest Hindi movie to cross the Rs 500 crore mark at the global box office. It took the film just four days to reach this milestone. Post the success of the movie, the makers held a press conference in Mumbai on Friday. The event was attended by SRK, Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, and Atlee.
Sharing his excitement for the success of the movie Shah Rukh Khan said, “It's a celebration. We rarely get a chance to live with a film for years. The making of Jawan has been going on for four years due to Covid and time constraints. There were a lot of people involved in this film, especially people from the South who came and settled in Mumbai and have been living in Mumbai for the last four years and working day and night for this film, which is the hardest work ever.”
Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra, Lehar Khan, Girija Oak and Sanjeeta Bhattacharya bring depth and strength to the characters in the film Jawan, which is directed by Atlee. Shah Rukh Khan also confirmed the release date of his upcoming movie Dunki at the success event of Jawan. Box Office: Jawan Becomes Shah Rukh Khan's Second Film to Gross $100 Million Worldwide After Pathaan.
He said, "We started on January 26, Republic Day (with Pathaan), then on Janmashtami we released Jawan, now New Year and Christmas are round the corner, we will release Dunki. I keep National integration. Anyway, when my film is released, it is Eid. Helmed by Hirani, the film also stars Taapsee Pannu in the lead role. Dunki marks the first collaboration of the Chak De India actor with 3 Idiots fame director Hirani and Pink actor Taapsee. Actors Vicky Kaushal and Dharmendra is also an important part of the movie.