Ahead of the release of her film Code Name Tiranga, actor Parineeti Chopra took a stroll down memory lane and shared a video recalling the training she underwent for her role. From weights to combat training and running in nature, Parineeti indulged in different types of physical activities for her role as a RAW agent. "BOOM 3 months of lockdown training. I would do it all over again. #CodeNameTiranga," she captioned the post. Parineeti Chopra Flaunts Her Sweet Smile in This Candid Bikini Picture From Maldives Getaway!

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Parineeti's "lockdown training" has inspired many social media users. Reacting to the clip, a netizen commented, "Hard work will pay off." "Quite inspiring. Good going Parineeti," another one wrote. The film is helmed by Ribhu Dasgupta. For her role, Parineeti has basically learnt the Israeli martial art form Krav Maga. Code Name Tiranga Song Ki Kariye Showcases Harrdy Sandhu and Parineeti Chopra’s Romantic Chemistry.

Talking about the same, Parineeti shared, "One of the key action techniques of an agent is hand-to-hand combat, so I learnt Krav Maga a form of martial arts for a total of 3 months to get my action sequences right. It is a very physically and mentally demanding form of martial arts as it's not only just movements but it also needs a lot of mental awareness of the surroundings one is in which is what exactly an agent needs to do on a mission.

Most of my fight sequences were against men who were a lot taller than me like the stunt men and co-actor Sharad Kelkar and sometimes the fight sequences would require them to fight with their full body weight," she added.

Harrdy Sandhu, Sharad Kelkar, Rajit Kapur, Dibyenndu Bhattacharya, Shishir Sharma, Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Deesh Mariwala are also a part of Code Name Tiranga, which will hit the theatres on October 14.