It's actor Amrita Singh's birthday, and to make her day special, her daughter Sara Ali Khan penned a heartfelt post for her on social media. Taking to Instagram, Sara shared a couple of her pictures from different occasions, posing exactly like her mother. After seeing the images, one can definitely say that she is the carbon copy of Amrita. Sara Ali Khan Wishes Mother Amrita Singh on Her Birthday With Beautiful Picture Collages on How Similar They Look; Says ‘Thank You for Always Showing Me the Mirror’.
"Happy Happy Happy Birthday Mommy ... Thank you for always showing me the mirror, but still always motivating me, encouraging me and inspiring me. I promise to always try my hardest to make you happy and proud and I will try everyday to imbibe a fraction of the strength, beauty, grace and brilliance you exude," she captioned the post. Sara's post has left social media users in the awe of the beauty of Amrita and the 'Kedarnath' actor. RC15: Ram Charan and Shankar's Movie to Be Written by Tamil Director Karthik Subbaraj.
Sara Ali Khan's Birthday Wish for Mommy Amrita Singh
" are her replica," a social media user commented. "Beautiful ladies," another one wrote. Sara is the daughter of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh who parted ways in 2004. Amrita also shares son Ibrahim with Saif.
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