Makers of the upcoming pan-India mythological drama film Shaakuntalam announced the new theatrical release date on Friday. Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared a poster of the film which he captioned, "SAMANTHA - DEV MOHAN: NEW RELEASE DATE FOR PAN-INDIA FILM 'SHAAKUNTALAM'... Team #Shaakuntalam #3D - starring #Samantha and #DevMohan - announce new release date: 14 April 2023... #AlluArjun's daughter #AlluArha portrays a key role... Directed by #Gunasekhar. Presented by #DilRaju and produced by #NeelimaGuna, #Shaakuntalam #3D will release in #Telugu, #Hindi, #Tamil, #Malayalam and #Kannada." Akshay Kumar, Mohanlal’s Bhangra at Baraat is the Best Thing on Internet Today.
Shaakuntalam is all set to hit the big screens on April 24, 2023. The Pan-India mythological romantic drama stars Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Dev Mohan in lead roles. Earlier the film was slated to hit the theatres on February 17, 2023. The film is based on a popular Indian play Shakuntala by Kalidasa. Shakuntala is the wife of king Dushyant and the mother of emperor Bharata. King Dushyant meets Shakuntala when he is out on a hunting trip in the jungle. They fell in love and got married as per the Gandharva system. Somebody I Used to Know Movie Revie: Alison Brie, Dave Franco’s Subversive Take on a Love-Triangle is a Delightful Watch (LatestLY Exclusive).
It will be out in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Samantha was recently seen in the sci-fi thriller film 'Yashoda' which received positive responses from the audience. She will be next seen in an upcoming romantic film 'Khusi' opposite actor Vijay Deverakonda and in the action thriller web series 'Citadel' alongside Varun Dhawan.
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