Allu Arjun's reunion with his family after his release from Chanchalguda Jail has left his fans and members of the film industry extremely emotional. Several pictures and videos from Allu Arjun's residence surfaced online in which the actor can be seen receiving an emotional welcome from his family. The actor hugged his children, Ayaan and Arha, before sharing an emotional and extended hug with his wife, Sneha Reddy. Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared one of the clips on her Instagram that highlighted this particular moment. "I am not crying, okay!," Samantha wrote with teary-eyed emojis and tagged Arjun and Sneha. Filmmaker Vignesh Shivan also reacted to the particular moment. "Waited to only see this! (heart emoji)" He added, "With heartfelt condolences to the family. Very very unfortunate to go through this @alluarjunonline sir, but the way he handled this was very mature and dignified. (folded hands, heart and trophy emojis)." Allu Arjun was released on Saturday morning from the jail where he spent the night after being arrested in connection with the death of a woman during the premiere of Pushpa 2. He had to spend Friday night in prison despite the Telangana High Court granting him bail. Allu Arjun Arrives at His Jubilee Hills Residence After Being Released From Hyderabad Central Jail; ‘Pushpa 2’ Actor Welcomed With Traditional Rituals (Watch Videos).
After getting released from the jail, Allu Arjun also spoke to media .He said, "I thank everyone for the love and support. I want to thank all my fans. There is nothing to worry about. I am fine. I am a law-abiding citizen and will cooperate. I would like to once again express my condolences to the family. It was an unfortunate incident. We are sorry for what happened." The incident that led to Allu Arjun's arrest occurred during a chaotic scene at the Sandhya Theatre on December 4, when the actor arrived to attend the premiere of his latest film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. A large crowd had gathered to catch a glimpse of the star, and the situation quickly escalated when Allu Arjun waved to the fans from the sunroof of his vehicle.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Tearful Response to Allu Arjun and Sneha Reddy’s Emotional Reunion: ‘I Am Not Crying, Okay!’
Police alleged that this action contributed to the chaos that ensued, leading to the death of a woman named Revathi, while her son suffered injuries. According to authorities, the actor's security team was responsible for pushing the crowd to clear the path for the actor's vehicle.Despite being informed about the danger of the large crowd, police claim that Allu Arjun's team did not take prompt action to mitigate the situation. During an earlier press conference, the actor had shared his deep shock regarding the tragic event. "The incident that took place in the Sandhya theatre is very unfortunate... I'm shocked. It took me hours to process it and respond to the incident. I couldn't process it psychologically. It took me around 10 hours. We all blanked out when we heard the news," he remarked at the success meet for Pushpa 2. The actor's legal team, led by lawyer Ashok Reddy, expressed dissatisfaction over the delays in Allu Arjun's release despite the court's decision. Reddy referred to the delay as an "illegal detention" and hinted at taking further legal action. The arrest has sparked widespread reactions, with various political figures and celebrities expressing support for Allu Arjun.