Samantha Ruth Prabhu is all set for her upcoming film Shaakuntalam. The makers of the epic mythology movie shared the first single "Mallika Mallika" on Wednesday. Taking to Instagram, Samantha treated fans with a still of herself dressed in a white outfit along with a caption, "#Mallika for you. The song sung by Ramya Behara, is directed by Mani Sharma and the lyrics are penned by Chaitanya Prasad. Allu Arjun Cheers For Daughter Arha As She Begins Dubbing For Samantha Ruth Prabhu's Shaakuntalam.

Watch Mallika Mallika Lyric Video Here: 

Soon after Samantha shared the post, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. "Wow ur looks are taking my heart beat," one of the fans wrote. Another comment read, "Undoubtedly your the queen of this era." The Pan-India mythological romantic drama stars Samantha and Dev Mohan in lead roles.

Based on Kalidasa's acclaimed Sanskrit play Abhijnana Shakuntalam, the film is written and directed by award-winning filmaker Gunasekhar (Rudhramadevi) and is all set to hit the theatres on February 17, 2023. Shaakuntalam revolves around the epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant, portrayed by Yashoda star Samantha and Dev Mohan of Sufiyum Sujatayum fame, respectively. Shaakuntalam Trailer: Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Dev Mohan’s Love Story Brings Alive One of India's Most-Told Mythological Tales.

It will be out in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Samantha was recently seen in the sci-fi thriller film Yashoda which received positive responses from the audience. She will be next seen in an upcoming romantic film Khusi opposite actor Vijay Deverakonda and reportedly will also be seen in the Indian adaptation of the American series Citadel alongside Varun Dhawan.