Actor and State Icon for Lok Sabha Elections, Samaira Sandhu, has made a heartfelt appeal to the voters of Chandigarh, urging them to fulfil their democratic duty. As the city prepares for the seventh and final phase of the Lok Sabha elections on June 1, Sandhu motivated the citizens to cast their votes. "I have come amidst all of you at a very crucial time. It is my personal aim that the people of my city Chandigarh vote in large numbers. The department is ready to assist you at all times," stated the Umran Ch Ki Rakheya actor. She further emphasized the importance of participation, adding, "Please check your name on the electoral roll. If you forget to carry your voter ID, then you can carry any other government-authorised ID proof." To ensure smooth voting, Sandhu highlighted available facilities, saying, "There is an app called Saksham which will assist PwD voters in voting, and 1950 is the helpline number in case you need assistance in voting. Let's bring Chandigarh to the top spot in voting. The heatwave should not dampen the excitement of voting. We have an app using which you can check the waiting duration at your polling booth and reach accordingly so that you don't have to wait." Lok Sabha Elections 2024: How To Vote, Check Name in Voter List? How To Find Polling Station? Know Everything Here Ahead of Phase 5 Polling on May 20.
The upcoming elections will see BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon facing off against Congress's Manish Tewari. Tewari, representing the opposition alliance INDIA and supported by the Aam Aadmi Party, is a key contender in this race.
Tewari has previously served as an MP from Anandpur Sahib and Ludhiana. The INDIA bloc, comprising over 20 political parties, was formed last year to challenge Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Campaigning for First Phase Ends, Voting on 102 Seats Across 21 States on April 19.
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Chandigarh's electoral history saw BJP's Kiron Kher defeating Congress's Pawan Bansal in 2014, with Kher retaining the seat in 2019. The final phase of the Lok Sabha elections will be conducted on June 1, with results scheduled for announcement on June 4. The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are being held in seven phases, starting on April 19. The first four phases took place on April 19, April 26, May 7, and May 13. The subsequent phases are scheduled for May 20, May 26, and June 1. With the conclusion of these elections, the results will reveal the future political landscape of India on June 4.