Bollywood superstar Salman Khan on Saturday marked his presence at the trailer launch of Dharmaveer 2 in Mumbai. Salman was all smiles as he came for the trailer launch. He even happily posed for the shutterbugs.  In the visuals captured by ANI, Salman can be seen involved in a discussion with other guests present at the venue. Veteran actor Jeetendra and actor-turned-politician Govinda, too, attended the trailer launch of Dharmaveer 2Salman Khan Congratulates Newlyweds Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, Looks Forward to Dancing With Them When They Become ‘Parents’.

Dharmaveer 2, following the success of its predecessor, aims to delve deeper into the life and legacy of the late Shiv Sena leader Anand Dighe. Earlier this month, actor and producer Bobby Deol unveiled the poster of the film Dharmaveer 2 alongside Chief Minister of Maharashtra Eknath Shinde and the film's cast and crew in Mumbai.

Salman Khan Turns Heads As He Arrives for ‘Dharmaveer 2’ Trailer Launch Event in Mumbai


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Deol expressed his gratitude and excitement, remarking, "It's an honour to be part of this celebration. The performance in the first part was commendable, and I congratulate CM Eknath Shinde on his two successful years in government." Ladla Bhai Yojana in Maharashtra: From Eligibility Criteria to Benefits and How To Apply, Here’s All You Need To Know.

CM Eknath Shinde, reflecting on the film and its subject, commented, "Anand Dighe was not just a leader but my guru. His life and contributions continue to inspire us. I am proud to support this cinematic portrayal of his legacy."