Superstar Salman Khan on Tuesday arrived at the grand launch of the Jio World Plaza in Mumbai. Salman looked dapper as he arrived in a black jacket paired with orange denims. He arrived with his Dabangg 3 co-star Saiee Manjrekar and was seen in his new short hair look. Several pictures of the Ek Tha Tiger actor surfaced on social media. Apart from him, celebs like Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Malaika Arora, and Khushi Kapoor among others also graced the event in style. According to a press release by Reliance Jio, located strategically in the bustling Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC) at the heart of Mumbai, Jio World Plaza opened its doors to the public on November 1. The Plaza seamlessly integrates with the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, the Jio World Convention Centre, and the Jio World Garden, making it an all-encompassing destination for visitors. Salman Khan Reveals He Wants to Become a 'Dad' But 'Indian Law' Doesn't Allow It.
JWP is designed as an exclusive hub for retail, leisure, and dining, spreading across four levels and an expansive 7,50,000 square feet area. The retail mix boasts an impressive roster of 66 luxury brands. Notable international newcomers to the Indian market include Balenciaga, the Giorgio Armani Cafe, Pottery Barn Kids, Samsung Experience Centre, EL&N Cafe, and Rimowa. Mumbai welcomes its first stores of Valentino, Tory Burch, YSL, Versace, Tiffany, Laduree, and Pottery Barn, while key flagships include other iconic brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Cartier, Bally, Giorgio Armani, Dior, YSL, and Bulgari. JWP will also feature renowned designers like Manish Malhotra, Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla, Rahul Mishra, Falguni and Shane Peacock, and Ri By Ritu Kumar, among others. The Plaza's structure, inspired by the lotus flower and other elements of nature, was brought to life through a collaboration between TVS, a prestigious international architecture and design firm headquartered in the United States, and the Reliance team. Salman Khan to Start Shooting for Sooraj Barjatya’s Untitled Film in 2024 - Reports.
Check Out Salman Khan Graces Jio World Plaza Launch Red Carpet:
#WATCH | Actor Salman Khan at the red carpet event of the launch of Jio World Plaza in Mumbai.
— ANI (@ANI) October 31, 2023
The shopping concourse is adorned with meticulously placed sculptural columns, creating a visual thread that weaves design continuity into the space. Marble-clad floors, soaring vaulted ceilings, and artful lighting come together to establish a backdrop that epitomizes the essence of luxury. Services like personal shopping assistance, VIP concierge, taxi-on-call, wheelchair services, hands-free shopping with baggage drop, butler service, and baby strollers amplify the Plaza's commitment to the consumer. With Jio World Plaza, Reliance Industries Limited has set the benchmark for luxury and innovation in India's retail landscape.