British rock band Deep Purple is all set to perform in Delhi-NCR. The update comes days after the band announced the details of their upcoming gig in Bengaluru at Bandland music festival. As per a statement shared by BookMyShow Live, the band members will perform in Gurugram on December 15 as a curtain raiser to the electrifying music festival at Bandland Arena: Deep Purple - Live in Concert. Sharing his delight on coming back to India, Deep Purple's lead vocalist, Ian Gillan, said, "I'm very excited to be going back to India, it's been years and I can't wait! I've carried the spirit of India with me ever since I did it last time." Rema Calm Down India Tour: Nigerian Singer Rema To Perform in India in May; Check Out the Dates.

Owen Roncon, Chief of Business - Live Entertainment, BookMyShow, said, "Our decision to bring Deep Purple to Gurugram for Bandland Arena ahead of their performance at Bandland is a direct response to the incredible groundswell of consumer interest and conversations surrounding their return to India. We are dedicated to making this iconic experience accessible to as many music enthusiasts as possible and are thrilled to give fans across India a taste of the inaugural edition of Bandland in Gurugram before the festival kicks-off in Bengaluru! Deep Purple's legendary presence at both Gurugram and Benguluru for Bandland promises to be an unforgettable journey through classic rock and we are excited to be a part of this extraordinary musical adventure! Gurugram, get ready to head-bang and whip out the air guitar, this winter!" Rapper King To Perform in Mumbai and Pune on the Occasion of Holi 2023.

Check Out Deep Purple to Ignite Gurugram on December 15:


This is the English rock group's third time touring India after 1995 (Mumbai) and 2006 (Bengaluru). Deep Purple is best known for hits such as Smoke on the Water and Highway Star.