Jewellery designer Riddhima Kapoor Sahni penned a sweet note for her daughter Samara Sahni, who turned 12. Taking to Instagram, Riddhima dropped a video to wish her daughter. The video features childhood memories, family outings to pictures of the mother-daughter duo. Sharing the video, she penned a sweet note, "Happy birthday my darling Sam! As you clock into a new age, I hope all your wishes & dreams come true & you experience all the love & happiness you deserve because you are the most amazing daughter! I am so proud of you & the person you are becoming! Love you to the square of infinity my babygirl." Rishi Kapoor's Daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni Shares Heartfelt Post Remembering Late Actor on His Birth Anniversary.
Further extending the birthday wishes, celebs took to social media to pour in their love. Riddhima's mother and actor Neetu Kapoor shared a couple of pictures to wish her granddaughter. She shared a picture of baby Samara along with a caption, "My precious lil girls birthday. Love you." So cute! As Neetu and Samara pose for a camera.
She also shared an old picture of Ranbir, Riddhima with her daughter.
Kareena Kapoor posted a cute picture of the birthday girl and caption it, "Happy birthday dear Samara. God bless you." The Kapil Sharma Show: Neetu Kapoor and Daughter Riddhima Kapoor To Arrive As Guests on Kapil Sharma’s Show.
Check The Video Here:
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Saif Ali Khan's sister Saba Pataudi also shared a warm wish. She wrote, "Happy birthday Samara." Riddhima met Bharat while studying in London. They got married in 2006, after four years of being together.