Actor Regan Aliyah is the latest addition to the cast of Marvel Studios' upcoming Ironheart series. The show follows Riri Williams, played by Dominique Thorne, who invents the most advanced suit of armour since Iron Man. Thorne will be making her debut as Riri Williams in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, set to hit theatres in November. Ironheart: First Look at Riri Williams' Supersuit Revealed In Set Leaks From Dominique Thorne's Marvel Disney+ Series! 

According to entertainment website Deadline, details about Aliyah's character are under wraps. Sam Bailey and Angela Barnes are attached to direct "Ironheart". Chinaka Hodge is the head writer.

The six-episode series, which will premiere on Disney Plus, is produced by Black Panther director Ryan Coogler's banner Proximity. Actors Anthony Ramos, Manny Montana, Alden Ehrenreich, Shea Coulee and Zoe Terakes round out the cast. Ironheart: Set Leaks Confirm Anthony Ramos' Role as The Hood in Dominique Thorne's Marvel Disney+ Series!