Alia Bhatt-starrer Darlings is set to be remade in Tamil and Telugu language, producer Red Chillies Entertainment announced on Wednesday. The dark-comedy, directed by debutante Jasmeet K Reen, is receiving rave reviews from critics and audiences since its release on Netflix on last week. RRR: Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Alia Bhatt’s Magnum Opus Becomes First Indian Movie To Get a ‘Honest Trailer’.

Gaurav Verma, producer and COO, Red Chillies Entertainment said the story of Darlings deserves to be made in multiple languages. "We had the script of 'Darlings' with us for a while now and through the journey of making it, we decided to make it in multiple languages. The film has a certain landscape which can be adapted very well in multiple languages. The process is on as we speak," Verma said in a statement.

The Mumbai-set film explores the lives of a mother-daughter duo (played by Shefali Shah and Bhatt) trying to find their place in the city, seeking courage and love in exceptional circumstances while fighting against all odds.

Verma said while they will keep the basic plot line same, the story will be localised as per the need. The remakes will also mark Red Chillies Entertainment's foray into the Tamil and Telugu market as a standalone banner. Darlings: Branding Gone Wrong? Viral Post Points Out 'Pricey' Mistake in Alia Bhatt's Film.

"To go to the Tamil and Telugu market is not something we will consolidate or have offices there, but it's going to be on a script-to-script basis. 'Darlings' has the potential, so we are taking it there,” he added. Darlings is also produced by Bhatt under her banner Eternal Sunshine Productions.