On Monday, the makers of Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan-starrer Zara Hatke Zara Bachke unveiled the film's trailer. In the trailer of the family entertainer, one can hear the recreated version of RD Burman's hit track ''Tum Kya Jano Mohabbat Kya Hai'' from Hum Kisise Kum Naheen film. The song is one of the main highlights of the trailer and left many fans nostalgic. Zara Hatke Zara Bachke Trailer: Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan Find Ways to Divorce Each Other in This Entertaining Rom-Com (Watch Video).
"Oh My God.... tum kya jano is back," a social media user commented. "Can't wait to hear Tum Kya Jano 2.0," another one wrote. Excited about the film, Vicky said, "Working with Laxman sir and Maddock has been a delightful experience. I had a great time shooting for the film, especially with Sara, and hope the audiences enjoy the film as much as we did making it." "I am grateful for the opportunity of getting to work with such a talented team. The film has a unique take on relationships, marriages, and I am excited for the audience to witness it", added Sara.
Director Laxman Utekar, who has earlier given hits like Luka Chupi and Mimi, also shared his thoughts on the film. He said, "This movie is close to my heart. It is a story that will resonate with audiences across the country. It is a film that is a perfect family watch that promises to entertain you throughout." Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan Treat Fans With a Series of Goofy Selfies (View Pics).
Check Out The Trailer Here:
Producer Dinesh Vijan shared, "I truly believe in Laxman's innate ability to understand emotions. Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, with the right sentiment, will not only entertain but also resonate with the masses. Just like our films - Luka Chuppi and Mimi, this too will connect with audiences of all ages. It is a perfect entertainer that families can enjoy together." Jio Studios and Dinesh Vijan present Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, slated to release in cinemas on June 2.