On Rashmika Mandanna's 26th birthday on Tuesday, the makers of Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming 66th film have announced that the actor has joined the cast as the leading lady. The film will be directed by Vamshi Paidipally and produced by Dil Raju and Shirish under their production house Sri Venkateswara Creations. Beast: Shah Rukh Khan Calls Himself a Thalapathy Vijay Fan as Superstar Enjoys the Trailer With Director Atlee.
This will be her first movie with Vijay, Vamshi Paidipally and Sri Venkateswara Creations. The film is yet to go on floors. More details of the film are awaited. Beast: Kuwait Bans Thalapathy Vijay and Pooja Hegde’s Film’ Reports.
Check Out the Tweet Below:
Wishing the talented and gorgeous @iamRashmika a very Happy Birthday !
Welcome onboard #Thalapathy66@actorvijay @directorvamshi#RashmikaJoinsThalapathy66 pic.twitter.com/zy2DeieUFe
— Sri Venkateswara Creations (@SVC_official) April 5, 2022
Meanwhile, Rashmika's upcoming lineup of films includes Mission Majnu with Sidharth Malhotra and 'Animal' with Ranbir Kapoor.
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