Ranbir Kapoor's muscular look from Shamshera is being widely discussed among fans. Although the actor is not on Instagram or any other social media platform, his Shamshera look has been doing the rounds online. On Monday, Yashraj Films took to their Instagram to share the actor's new pictures and the internet has ever since been on fire! In the film, Ranbir is playing a larger-than-life, quintessential Hindi film hero. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Walk Hand-In-hand as They Return From US Trip Together! (Watch Video).

Ranbir, who is coming to the big screen four years after Sanju, is pitted against Sanjay Dutt who is playing an evil, merciless, cold-hearted brute force of nature, Shuddh Singh. For the role, it looks like Ranbir trained hard at the gym! In the new pictures shared by YRF on Instagram, Ranbir is seen flaunting his six-pack abs.

Speaking about Ranbir's look, the film's director Karan Malhotra said, "Ranbir has worked very hard to own up to the roles of Shamshera and Balli. The idea behind him building a particular physique for the film came from the fact that I wanted the audience to feel his internal strength and resolve every time they saw him on screen. So, keeping that core idea in mind, I maneuvered Ranbir towards building up a body which added more strength to his character in the film." Tehran: John Abraham Reveals Intense First Look From Dinesh Vijan's Action-Thriller Film (Watch Video).

He added, "The intention was never for his physique to be a distraction but an asset to his characters. And I can say this very confidently that Ranbir worked hard on making his mental and physical presence felt in both the characters which are why he looks stunning in every frame of Shamshera and owns it with great strength." Ranbir's trainer Kunal Gir further revealed the secret behind the actor's ripped body in the film. He said, "The target was to make RK look athletic, not too bulky as his character was like Robin Hood. We had to keep the rustic, raw appeal that came along with that character. Hence, he is athletic and strong looking.

Ranbir had five meals a day. He was on a high protein and low carb diet and went through rigorous training five days a week! He had a cheat meal only once a week." He added, "We trained 5 days a week, each session was an hour-long followed by a quick 5 min high-intensity cardio session we called 'truck'. It's where the treadmill was turned off and RK was to hold the handles of the machine and drive the belt with his legs. The shooting was mostly outdoors and RK had to deal with a lot of heat and dust. So, we worked on some breathing exercises that helped him stay calm and endure long and strenuous shooting conditions."

Shamshera is set in the 1800s in the heartland of India. The story is set in the fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian general 'Shuddh Singh' - a character played by Sanjay Dutt. Ranbir Kapoor is pitted against him as the main protagonist - Shamshera. Directed by Karan Malhotra, this action extravaganza has been produced by Aditya Chopra and is set to release in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu on July 22.

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