The ongoing 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) became a platform for cinematic nostalgia and fresh beginnings as legendary actor Rakhee Gulzar returned to the silver screen after nearly two decades. Walking the red carpet for her comeback film Aamar Boss, Rakhee exuded elegance and enthusiasm at the festival. IFFI 2024: ‘Amar Aaj Marega’ Starring Prakash Jha to be Screened at Prestigious Goa Festival.

Sharing her excitement about attending IFFI in Goa, Rakhee remarked, "A new atmosphere, a new city. Earlier, I used to be in Delhi; I go there too. This time, I came here, and it feels good--just a little short on time."

Directed by the renowned duo Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Nandita Roy, Aamar Boss, scheduled to release in December, is a poignant tale of a single mother's unwavering determination to provide a better life for her son despite financial hardships

The film also stars Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Pradeepto Ray alongside Rakhee.

Rakhee, who became a household name with her iconic role as Durga Singh in the 1995 blockbuster Karan Arjun, also spoke about the re-release of the beloved classic.

"The young generation will really like it, and even small children will enjoy it a lot," she said.

The 55th edition of IFFI, which commenced on November 20, boasts an impressive lineup of over 180 films from 81 countries.

This year's festival includes 16 world premieres, 3 international premieres, 43 Asian premieres, and 109 Indian premieres. IFFI 2024: Prakash Jha Reflects on Career, Says ‘I’ve Achieved Nothing’ Despite Awards.

Additionally, the festival is celebrating the centenary milestones of four Indian cinema icons: actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor, director Tapan Sinha, Telugu cinema legend Akkineni Nageswara Rao (ANR), and singer Mohammed Rafi.

As the festival continues until November 28, cinephiles are treated to a rich tapestry of storytelling and artistry.