Bollywood director Rajkumar Santoshi is all set to return back to the director's seat after a long wait of 9 years. The National Award Winning director, on Thursday, announced his new film Gandhi-Godse Ek YudhGandhi – Godse Ek Yudh Release Date Out! Rajkumar Santoshi’s Film To Clash With Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan (Watch Teaser Video).

Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared an announcement video, which he captioned," RAJKUMAR SANTOSHI RETURNS WITH 'GANDHI - GODSE EK YUDH'... #RajkumarSantoshi - known for pathbreaking films such as #Ghayal, #Damini, #Ghatak, #AndazApnaApna, #AjabPremKiGhazabKahani and #TheLegendOfBhagatSingh - returns to the director's chair with #GandhiGodseEkYudh. A #PVRPictures release, #GandhiGodseEkYudh is slated for release in *cinemas* on [Thursday] 26 Jan 2023 #RepublicDay... Music by #ARRahman... Produced by #ManilaSantoshi."

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In the announcement video, the makers shared glimpses of Santoshi's blockbuster hit films Khakee, Damini, Ghatak, Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani and many more. Gandhi -Godse Ek Yudh is all set to hit the theatres on January 26, 2023. Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh: Rajkumar Santoshi Returns to the Director’s Seat After 9 Years for Upcoming Political Drama.

The official announcement of the star cast of the film is still awaited. The film will be facing a big Bollywood clash with Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming action thriller film Pathaan, which is slated to hit the theatres a day prior to the release of Gandhi-Godse Ek Yudh.

Santoshi's last directorial -- Shahid Kapoor and Ileana D'cruz's romantic comedy Phata Poster Nikla Hero in 2013 -- got a decent response from the audience. He will also direct Mithun Chakraborty's son Namish Chakraborty and Amrin Qureshi's debut Bollywood film Bad Boy. The official release date of the film is still awaited.